What do people like about old architectural styles and how can they be incorporated into contemporary designs?
Bruce Buckland
Architecture as a discipline and a profession is in trouble. The reasons for this are as broad as they are deep, but here I would like to focus specifically on stylistic preference as it relates to beauty.
As an architect, to even attempt to have a conversation about beauty is to be ostracised, mocked, laughed at, hounded, pilloried and pushed to the architectural establishment’s bleak and isolated fringes. There you can nurse your festering carbuncles into fruition and foist them on the world with minimal attention and absolutely zero peer acknowledgement.
The trouble is though, that the public don’t seem to agree with mainstream architectural opinion when it comes to beauty. People really like beautiful buildings. Tourist boards know this very well. The Sagrada Familia, the Taj Mahal, the Palace of Versailles, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Cotswold villages, the cities of Amsterdam, Venice, Bath, and Bruges; the list goes on. But why these and not others? What is it about these places that makes people flock to them? Why do they consistently feature in the likes of ’50 most beautiful places to see before you die’ lists scattered across the internet.
The usual riposte in this debate is that beauty is subjective, and most people just have ‘bad’ taste. Or that sure, many old buildings are beautiful, but why would we do things the same way now? We’ve moved on, it is argued. Times have changed. This is the modern world.
But have things moved on? Or are there deeper factors at play here?
The central problem we have is that architecture is still considered an art, not a science. It is therefore seen as immune from the usual rigorous peer-reviewed objectivity-seeking intellectual standards that form the foundations of mainstream academia. The idea that architecture is more art than science is demonstrably false, but it requires science to prove this point. Unfortunately, because of this bias towards the artistic over the scientific in architectural education, the awareness or interest of architects in any scientific literature on perceptual psychology, evolutionary psychology and neuroaesthetics is virtually zero.
What this means is that architecture develops more along the lines of stylistic whim or fashion, rather than by objective measure and feedback. This is not to diminish the artistic and creative elements, which have indispensable roles to play within architecture, not least in pushing the boundaries of what is possible, but they are not measures by which quality or beauty can be judged.
Is it really about style?
To return to the title question: ‘what do people like about old architectural styles and how can they be incorporated into contemporary designs?’ This question contains two major assumptions which should not be left unchallenged. Firstly, do people really prefer old architectural styles? And secondly, is it the styles they prefer or are there other variables at play?
I could very easily speculate on what may or may not be the relative weight of influence of each confounding variable here, but the only way to really understand the answers to these questions would be to undertake extremely carefully designed psychological or even neurobiological studies that sufficiently measured and controlled for enough variables such that reliable conclusions could be drawn based on the data. In other words, the normal scientific process.
This is precisely what is lacking in architecture, and what has always been lacking. Architecture is mostly about psychological manipulation; about making people feel and behave in a certain way based on their surroundings. But what use is that if you don’t understand the mechanisms by which these feelings and behaviours come about? What is it that people like about old architectural styles? It’s simply impossible to say without data.
For the sake of more immediate progress though, I will offer some of my own speculations as to what might be the underlying causalities behind people’s apparent preference for historical architectural styles. The key word here being ‘apparent’.
Variable 1: Age/History
There is a plethora of emotions that certain buildings can evoke. Some proportion of this emotion however may be linked not to the architectural quality of the building itself, but to its historical associations. To disentangle this particular confounding variable would require comparison between buildings of equal age and historical association, but of different style. Perhaps a good way of thinking about this is the following: consider two identical neo-classical country houses. They are alike in every way. One was built in 1790. The other was built in 2015. How do your feelings differ towards each of them? It is also impossible to disentangle age from historical context, meaning this may be the most difficult of all the variables to control for.
Additionally, age brings with it weathering, and it may well be the case that greater weathering induces greater levels of emotional association, perhaps from a feeling that a building is more connected or embedded in its place, or perhaps from the effects the weathering has on the harmony of the building’s colour palette with that of its neighbours. For example, there is always a certain strangeness about seeing new or cleaned masonry on historic buildings. It somehow seems less authentic, even though it looks like the building would have done when first constructed.