As fully qualified Architects we are uniquely placed to offer Land Promotion services at a very significantly reduced cost to what you would pay a standard land promoter or agent.
This is because we can produce Planning Application Drawing Sets in-house, where usually the promoter would have to employ a third party architect to do this and therefore charge you higher rates to cover it.
Under our guidance, we will produce the planning drawings ourselves, then take you through the sale process with no risk to you or your land.
We will organise all the surveys, prepare the planning application in full, and enable your land to be sold on to a developer for maximum value on the open market, or developed by us in-house with plenty of your input on your design and layout preferences. It is your land after all so you should have a say in how it is developed.
We then take a small share of the increase in value for risking the initial capital, but the vast majority goes straight back to you.
In this setup there is no risk to you whatsoever, the risk is all ours.